How far along? 37 weeks 4 days pregnant.. Baby is the size of a winter melon!
Weight gain? According to the scale at home, I've lost 2 lbs.. So +17. Weird. Scale at the doctor says +20.
Belly button? Out and looking horrific. This is crazy.. I usually have a super deep belly button.
Wedding rings on or off? Off.
Movement? Yes, but more her feet and hands. I can tell when she rolls over from one side to the other because her butt changes sides of my belly button. I think she's pretty much going to stay head down. She gets the hiccups pretty regularly and I can see her expanding her lungs to practice breathing if I watch my belly. It's so weird, but cool.
Maternity clothes? Not really. I have a few things that fit but I mostly want to live in dresses. Also, I wish I didn't have to wear underwear of any kind because they just flat hurt.
Symptoms? Feeling? Contractions have been a little more serious this week, but nothing more than prodromal labor. Just enough to annoy me and keep me from sleeping more than 10-20 minute stretches. My back hurts something awful, and gets 100 times worse with each contraction. My nausea is really bad. Reflux is pretty miserable too, even with meds.. there's really just no more room for my stomach. It hurts to walk, more than I ever imagined it could. I'm uncomfortable no matter where I'm at. Some more swelling in my feet and pelvis and now some in my hands.
Mood? Whiny. I walk around all day complaining about one pregnancy related ache, pain, or annoyance all day long. Joe is a trooper, because I can't even stand myself at this point! I know- I'm only 37 weeks, suck it up.
Missing? Not hurting everywhere. Eating as much or as little of something as I want. I'm missing wearing comfortable NORMAL clothes. Also, I miss not being a walking exhibit. Seriously, I want to tell some people to take a freaking picture. Yes, I'm huge, I get it. Stop staring.
Looking forward to? Getting labor and delivery over with. Holding her, seeing her for the first time. Bless my friends on my mommy message board, seeing their babies finally arrive has made me more excited than scared.
Sleep? Propped up on 3 pillows in short spurts? Yeah it's a blast. I dread bed time. However, I'm pretty impressed with how I've been functioning off little to no sleep. Sleep deprivation was the hardest part of bringing Dawson home and I'm actually feeling a little bit more confident this time about how I will cope. Ask me again when she's 2-3 weeks old though.
Exercise? No. Ha! Kudos to those who can exercise until the very end, 'cause that is NOT happening here. I'm daydreaming about a good run, but it sure as hell isn't happening.
Any cravings? Donuts. I shared one with Dawson last week and it was like heaven. It didn't spike my blood sugar either. I also want regular soda, which is weird because I don't drink soda on a regular basis. Oh, and a milkshake sounds awesome.
Food aversions? Tons.. I don't even think I could list them all. I'm tired of the kinds of food I can eat on this diet.
Until next week! Unless we have a baby by then :)